

Glaucoma, as it is called, is a common eye disease that primarily occurs with age. It involves damage to the optic nerve.

The destruction of nerve fibers leads to progressive visual field loss that cannot be reversed. Without treatment, the visual field can become increasingly restricted, eventually leading to complete blindness.

The most significant risk factor for optic nerve damage is increased intraocular pressure (eye pressure). However, there are also forms of the disease where continuous loss of optic nerve fibers occurs even with normal intraocular pressure. Glaucoma can also develop due to previous trauma or surgery, in which case experts refer to it as secondary glaucoma.


Vista Eye Clinic Pfaeffikon SZ
Bahnhofstrasse 15

CH- 8808 Pfaeffikon SZ

Tel. +41 55 552 16 66
Fax +41 55 552 16 65


About the Optic Nerve

The optic nerve consists of over a million nerve fibers and serves as the connection between the eye and the brain. It conveys all visual information from the eye to the brain, where it is processed.

When, for example, the drainage of fluid from the eye is obstructed or blocked due to inflammation, it results in increased pressure inside the eye.

Early detection is crucial

Glaucoma is typically entirely asymptomatic, meaning affected individuals are unaware of the elevated eye pressure. This is why regular eye examinations are important. Visual field losses are usually only noticed in cases of very advanced optic nerve damage.

A cure for glaucoma is not possible. However, there are now various therapeutic options to halt or slow the progression of the disease. Timely treatment is crucial. Treatment options include pressure-reducing eye drops, laser procedures, or surgical interventions. The goal of all measures is to lower intraocular pressure.

Since patients with glaucoma may not experience any symptoms, they cannot assess or feel the elevated eye pressure themselves. This is why regular examinations by an ophthalmologist are essential. The frequency of these check-ups is determined by the eye doctor. Individuals who belong to a high-risk group or are over 40 years old should undergo more frequent check-ups.

Risk Factors

  • Family history of glaucoma (genetic)
  • High levels of nearsightedness or farsightedness
  • Severe eye injuries
  • Eye inflammation
  • Age

Our consultants


Vista Eye Clinic Pfaeffikon SZ
Bahnhofstrasse 15

CH- 8808 Pfaeffikon SZ

Tel. +41 55 552 16 66
Fax +41 55 552 16 65
